Remove Search Results

Learn more about how we Remove URL and Google Search Result of our clients in Malaysia..

What are Search Results?

Search results refer to the list created by search engines in response to a query. Search results can be broken down as follows:

Natural search results

(usually on the left-hand side of search engine’s results page) and;

Sponsored search results

(usually on the top and right-hand side of a search engine’s results page). Here you will see websites that have placed PAID ads within the search engine.

Common Facts

  • The average Google Search session is just under 1 minute. This means that within 1 minute the average user has already made up their mind and left the search query;

  • Up to 72% of people will make a decision to avoid you upon finding negative content online; and

  • 88% of consumers trust online content as much as a personal recommendation.

Find out which platforms we usually work on to remove google search result.

Common Platforms

During our 11+ years of operation, we have noted the following platforms to be of most significance when removing content from search results:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Baidu

How Can Internet Removals Remove Outdated Content from Google?

As of 2022, our team at Internet Removals has removed over 2,661,859 URLs from the internet. All of these 2,661,859 URLs of these results have been removed from various search engines, including those listed above.

As the pioneers of the content removal industry, we provide a specialised service whereby we lodge and manage applications for the removal of content to offending search engines.

During our 11+ years, we are yet to find a problem that we don’t believe our solution applies to.

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    Phone number:

    URL of concern:Multiple URLs can be separated by a comma(,)
